OCARC offers test sessions several times each year. Walk-in registrants are accepted from 6:00 until 6:30 PM; sessions should end by 7:30. We recomend you call ahead to ensure there has not been a cancellation. Unless otherwise stated, all sessions are held at Munger Cottage in Cornwall, NY, at our regular meeting site.
Contact our VE Team representative for directions to Munger, questions, or just to tell us you’re planning to come. You may also call at 845-534-3146 and leave a message for Joe, who will call you back.
All Technician licensees share unlimited privileges above 50 MHz as well as limited HF operation (including a narrow voice sub-band on 28 MHz.) Older Techs (i.e., pre-1991) – who passed what was then the General written exam – are still eligible for an “administrative upgrade” to General upon presentation of an official (original) copy of their license and payment of the (currently $15) exam fee.
A NOTE ON THOSE LOOKING FOR EXPIRED LICENSE CREDIT: The FCC and the ARRL VEC have made it clear that the burden of proof on the expired license is on the candidate. It is NOT the responsibility of the VE team. If you are looking for credit for your expired license;
- you MUST bring a copy of your expired license to the exam session – this is a copy that we MUST keep and send in to the ARRL VEC, so make sure it is a copy you can part ways with.
- If you have a current Tech or General license, we need to see that AND have a copy we can sent to the ARRL/VEC.
- If you currently do NOT have a valid license, you MUST take the Tech exam and pass it to get credit for your expired license.
- You will NOT get the same call sign as the one expired.
- We do not have access to a copy machine on site – you must have the copies we can keep with you.
Bring with you to the exam:
- two or more forms of positive identification
- black pens and #2 pencils
- originals of all valid licenses and CSCEs
- $15 exam fee (cash or check payable to the ARRL VEC)
ARRL/VEC exam fee covers most of the “necessary and prudent” expenses they incur to administer their part of the VE Program.
One exam fee covers up to three different elements in one sitting so we encourage successful Tech and General candidates to at least give the next one up a try if they have the time.
Missed it by one question? Want a second chance? Ask your VE Team if an alternate version is available, but you’ll have to fork over another $15 for the privilege (ARRL/VEC’s policy, not OCARC’s!)
CSCEs (Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam), however, are still valid for only 365 days from issuance after which unredeemed Element credit is expired and the candidate will need to re-take those examinations.
ARRL’s website has complete official information concerning current FCC regulations and the Amateur examination process.
The latest Question Pools are available in both print and electronic versions from a variety of sources, including The W5YI Group and ARRL. There’s also a free ARRL/VEC download. The Technician class (Element 2) Pool is effective July 1, 2023 and is valid until June 30, 2026 : General class (Element 3) Pool is effective July 1, 2024 and is valid until June 30, 20127: Extra class (Element 4) Pool is effective July 1, 2024 and is valid until June 30, 2028
To process your 605, you need either:
- an “FRN” (FCC Registration Number) assigned by the Universal Licensing System or its newer mutation, “CORES” (COmmission Registration System)
OCARC’s VE Team has supplies of the NCVEC 605, a modified version of the FCC Form 605 used only in the Volunteer Examination System. VECs (predominantly ARRL and W5YI) transcribe certain information from the NCVEC 605 into the FCC’s electronic filing database.
You must, however, use the full FCC Form 605 (September 2017 or later) for any direct correspondence with the Commission. As several other services share the 605, follow instructions carefully when completing this form!
CAUTION: To ensure a successful filing, always use the correct form!
ARRL’s Website has further details on these matters, plus helpful links to FCC’s resources.