Exam Schedule

2024 Exam Schedule

Jan 19 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

Feb 16 MungerMunger Cottage in Cornwall

March 15 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

April 19 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

May 5 OCARC Hamfest (see flyer)

May 17 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

June 14 Munger  changed from June 21

June 22  Thomas Bull Memorial Park, Montgomery NY at Field Day site

July 19 – Munger Cottage in Cornwall

August 16 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

September 20 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

October 18 -Munger Cottage in Cornwall

November 15 Munger Cottage in Cornwall

December  —  no scheduled exam

To find an Exam location use the URL below and insert a Zip code and distance. OCARCNY ZIP is 12518.

Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area (arrl.org)

Any questions reference exams contact W2BCC at w2bcc@arrl.net